London Central Mosque Trust & The Islamic Cultural Centre


27 Jul 2024

Arabic Course

Course Information | Online Registration | Which Level am I? | Course Material | Course Fees | Terms & Conditions | Contact

Arabic Course - Which Level Am I?

The Criteria for each level:

Pre-Level One:

For this level learners do not need any learning pre-requisites in Arabic skills, as this level is designed for total beginners.

Level One:

Basic knowledge of Arabic is required (memorisation of the whole Arabic alphabet, able to connect letters to make simple words and read and write simple words).

Level Two

For this level learners need to have mastered the skills taught in Level one, as summarised below:

  • Identify similarities and differences in use of language; tone of voice; body language; gesture and what is considered polite and give some examples of cultural misunderstandings that may affect communication.
  • Understand information from simple statements or descriptions as well as predictable conversations about familiar personal, social or work-related matters.
  • Understand information from simple texts relating to personal, social or work-related matters.
  • Be able to take part in simple, predictable conversations about familiar personal, social or work-related matters.
  • Be able to write simple communications relating to work or social matters, using a limited range of commonly used phrases appropriate to the context.

Level Three:

  • Understand written sentences and frequently used expressions from routine texts relating to personal, familial, geographical and work-related matters.
  • Be able to write simple communications relating to aspects of own background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
  • Be able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a direct exchange of information on familiar and routine situations
  • Be able to understand specific factual information from routine statements and conversations on personal, social or work-related matters.


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Click here for all your marriage services. We now offer the larger halls and restaurant bookings to cater for your big day.



The Islamic Cultural Centre has established the Commission to guide Muslims in the UK.

Matters relating to religious issues aswell as solving complex inheritance (Mirath) cases, marriage, divorce and islamic arbitration.



As we adjust to life in lockdown, many vulnerable in our community need help to get essential supplies. Our staff and volunteers are delivering every day, may Allah reward them and keep them safe.

Please help us to buy the food needed, we'll do our very best to reach as many people as possible, insha-Allah.



The London Central Mosque Trust Ltd.

Address: 146 Park Road, London, NW8 7RG United Kingdom

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