Ramadan at Home
Dear Honourable Muslims: This year, we will welcome the blessed month of Ramadan in a very difficult time as the world is facing a unusual challenge i.e. the spread of coronavirus [COVID-19], a pandemic disease.
Therefore, mosques are closed and Muslims will not be able to attend congregational prayers during this blessed month. However, they can still do these prayers and worships with the family at home. They will hopefully get the same reward. In Islam, difficulties and calamities are destined by God Almighty. The Messenger of God [pbuh] said, "There is no trouble that comes to a believer except that it removes some of his sins..."
Amid the current global crisis the world is facing, it is important for Muslims to counter this pandemic through undertaking the necessary policies and following medical instructions announced by NHS for protection and treatment. It is important to stay at home, keep the required distance when you pray at home in order to protect yourself and others.
Finally, adhering to all medical procedures and health protective measures is required and Muslims must put their trust in God that He will remove the harm, cure the patients and immensely reward them in this world and the hereafter. There is no need to panic, it is better to occupy yourself with making worship as much as you can.
Ramadan Timetable
Our Ramadan Timetable 2020 is now available - due to the coronavirus epidemic, this year we cannot print the timetable, but you can still download your copy (PDF) by clicking on the following link or image below:
Download Ramadan Timetable >>
Donate > Zakat
Zakat is not just a duty on those with wealth, but a right that the poor have over us - we are "those in whose wealth there is a recognised right for the needy and the poor" (Qur'an 70:24-25).
The London Central Mosque Trust uses your zakat in the most effective way possible to relieve the suffering of the most vulnerable people.
Zakat is a mandatory duty on all able Muslims who meet nisab values. There is no ambiguity as to the rate at which Zakat should be calculated; 2.5% of all net savings one possesses that is above the nisab value. Net savings is total maintained wealth for one lunar year before Zakat is due.
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